Our team knows all the corners of Cabo Verde’s nine inhabited islands and we take the time to advise you on the island, city and even neighborhood that best fits your desired lifestyle. Then our on-the-grounds team helps ease the stress of your transition by prepping and assisting you throughout the stages of your move.
Real estate, whether residential or corporate, is one of the safest investments you can make. And Cabo Verde’s history of the virtually steady growth of both land and property values as well as its future development plans lend that added security. Even in times of global economic crisis, its property values maintain and never dip. Whether you are interested in an investment property or simply want a home you can escape to and live your best life, owning property in Cabo Verde is a smart move!
Our team is comprised of the finest professionals and can oversee the entire process, soup to nuts including:
- Land and property search and purchase
- Legal review of all documents
- Renovation and construction
- Home furnishing and decoration
- Utilities set up (connecting your home’s water, electricity, wifi)
So that, if you choose, all you have to do is move in!
If you are interested in establishing Cabo Verdean citizenship or residency or trying to locate living family members or records of ancestors, we can help. The process of establishing CV citizenship varies from person to person depending on your generational distance from Cabo Verde, state of your records and any name changes over time. If you are the spouse of a descendent, an additional step is required of you. The process can require multiple trips to government offices and lots of documentation. Let us handle the hassle on your behalf.
While visiting or setting up here in Cabo Verde, especially if you must conduct business meetings or errands, a skilled and trustworthy interpreter will allow you to navigate seamlessly and efficiently, making the most of your time. Or if you have documents in Portuguese or Kriolu that need to be translated into English, we can handle that as well. Let us know your translation and interpretation needs!
According to the agency Cabo Verde TradeInvest, starting or purchasing a business in Cabo Verde is wise for myriad reasons:
- Centrally located in the middle of four continents
- Modern society
- Stable democracy
- Progressive economy
- Business environment
- Transformation in progress
- Qualified pool of talent
- Variety of opportunities
- Abundances of success cases
- Attractive incentives
We can inform you of the many government incentives, advise you on the viability of your business idea or help you generate new ideas and link you to the players you will need to execute it. We can even handle the legwork of registering your business.

Consider adopting a promising student and covering school fees and supplies for $50 per month, $450 for the school year; or equipping an entire family with water and healthy food deliveries for $80 per month, $960 for the year.
Cabo Verde’s greatest asset without a doubt is its people. By investing in people we can help to: provide jobs, cut down on brain drain, contribute to the local economy and renew the population’s belief in Cabo Verde as a place where its own people can thrive. One of the ways you can help is by making a tax deductible donation to Cape Verde For Life, a non-profit program founded in 2013 that focuses on wellness and education and guides families toward self-sufficiency. Unlike many non-profit organizations that operate with excessive overhead costs and salaries, Cape Verde For Life is primarily volunteer run. When you make a donation, you are given updates and documentation so that you can rest assured your donations reach the intended recipients. Consider adopting a promising student and covering school fees and supplies for $50 per month, $450 for the school year; or equipping an entire family with water and healthy food deliveries for $80 per month, $960 for the year.
Reach out to one of these reputable local organizations that have a proven track record of being honest and effective to see how you can best support their efforts.